Friday, November 17, 2006

Hostile neighbourhood

Finding a good neighbourhood is a mountainous job now a days. We settled at our residence in RK nagar close to 1 year before and till date, we do not have one good friend from our neighbourhood. People are so hostile and does not want to talk to each other OR nor even bother to say a 'hi' or a 'good morning'.

Recently i attended Sri Sri Ravishankar's AOL and to practically use the teachings i had there, one day, I greeted my opposite flat female with a "hi" and a "good morning". First thing she did not responded for my greeting and second thing, she utilized my greeting moment to remind me of the flat maid salary contribution, which i had not paid yet. I felt bad. part is that i had missed out to pay that amount earlier, but what i expected was, a reply for my greeting and in a nicer way to ask for the maid's salary.

Similarly, my downstairs female. She is of another type. One rainy day, we had to use her cloth drying string and she came up allover and asked me to remove it as it was her property!!!!!!! But at the same time, she uses our car park for her dog and she never feels for it. What a neighbour i have.

Another guy, who is always grumbling about our flat promoter and never has an intention to speak to us also.

One thing is final......As per AOL We should never complain about others, and never grumble about others. But we should always, live in the present and opposite sources of people always co-exists and we should try to be good with them, though they are not good with us. We should never complain about them though they complain about us.

I think, i will die without a good neighbour ever in my life!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi My dear friend.

HAve you watched 'Lago Raho Munnabhai'? You become the change you want to see. You neighbour ytou want to become. SPread your kindness to them. There are amillion ways you can do an 'act of kindness'. Look at this website:
These stories will inspire you.

And art of living doesnt teach you not to grumble or not to complain. You can grumble & complain to your hearts content. Just observe atthe end of it what happens to your quality of the mind. Also, grumbling & complaining is the job of golks who never want to take responsibility for their actions. Take responsbility and take action. Everything around you will change. I have done this and now I know mosto f my neighbors. If you want more tips, ask me. :-)