Tuesday, March 6, 2007

While walking........

To maintain our health everyone says...
... start to go for walking...
... atleast for 15 mts per day
... do some exercise
... atleast 2-3 small workouts

---hmmm... i am also into this spree to maintain my health. I have decided to maintain my sugar level by adding walking also as part of my life everyday. So going for a walk for 40-50mts.

Walking means the experts say...
-- should be regular
-- should be a swift fast pace walk
-- should not stand in the middle of the road and chat/gossip with a friend for 15 mts out of the 30 mts 'so called walk'
-- should not finish your vegetable, fruits shopping for the week.

It should be fully devoted to only to walk..walk...walk.. May be we are allowed to think on your day and plan for the day. But still need to be careful on the traffic of the road.

For the past few days, i have started to observe different kind of people while walking, starting from onyx guys to hifi - corolla owner, who comes for a so called 'walk' and having coffee/idli vadai from sangeetha. Only a few people i am seeing are devoted to walking and do it very seriously.
Some oldies just come out with a stick in a hand or a dog as a company, walk, meet a friend, sit at the posh slab put at the abiramapuram main roads, chat on all the political topics, come to sangeetha, eat nicely and indeed!! they start their day in a very good way, without even thinking they have come for a week.

Very few ladies, like me, wear hi fi shoes, walk for sometime and vanish. But they are all very inconsistent. We cannot see the same ladies every day. They come and stop doing walking after a few days.

Some middle aged men, have blue tooth fixed cellphones, speak loudly to some other software geek about some kind of their plans..blah blah...and walk walk... these guys also so unpredictable, and i cannot see them daily.

Some ladies, with their husbands i see them regularly to some extent, and for their spouse health they walk i suppose and they will be arguing, talking aloud of family matters and still they also are irregular and stop after some time.

Some young men, with a walkman/ipod ear plugs run..run..it would be nice to watch, but suddenly they will vanish after a few days..and will never return.

Some men, women, without even a shoes/proper chappels they walk, walk, do some exercises in between.......i see consistency in them, as they are the persons, who walk for their health and they have been instructed by their respective doctors about their seriousness.

health or wealth
both are hard to earn
but very easy to burn


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